Our Local Offer

Our Local Offer
Dalesplay recognise that some children have special educational needs and/ or physical disabilities that require particular support and assistance. We are committed to taking appropriate action to make sure that all children are able to access our services, made to feel welcome, and that our activities promote their welfare and development. Dalesplay staff are dedicated in working alongside the child, the child’s family and, where necessary, outside agencies* (e.g. a Speech and Language Therapist, Portage etc). Dalesplay Believes that by identifying individual needs and taking proactive steps alongside parents/ carers and other agencies  or professionals, all children should be able to play a full, active and equal part in the activities Dalesplay Provides. 

What will my child learn?
Dalesplay follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and plan for children individually to meet their needs and follow their interests. Our ongoing observations, planning and assessments help identify any needs your child may have. If a child needs additional and/ or different teaching strategies or provision then with parental permission an individual Learning and Provision Plan (ILPP) will be put into place.
An ILPP sets out targets that are currently being worked on and what additional provision is put in place for that child. The content of the IEP is negotiated, as appropriate, with the child and the child’s family. This is why it is so important that parents/ carers work in close partnership with your child’s allocated key worker to ensure we are doing our very best for the child. 
Who is our designated Special Educational Needs Co- coordinator, (SENCO)?
Our Special Educational Needs Co- coordinator, Joanne Fothergill, works closely with families, the child and his/ her key worker and outside agencies to ensure consistent care and targets are being met. Joanne ensures staff are trained to meet children’s individual needs and can offer support to key workers and families. Joanne will liaise with other professionals to seek advice and support in identifying individual needs if necessary. Support and advice from the Area SENco and the Early Years Advisory Teacher can be sought with parents’ permission. 

What do we pride ourselves in?
In 2013 Dalesplay was part of a government initiative Project called ‘Every Child’s a Talker’ which improved practitioner’s skills and knowledge and raised children’s achievements in early language. Our Early Language Lead Practitioner, Louise Cloughton, ensures all practitioners are confident in helping children with speech and language development and can assist in sharing resources with home to help develop children’s speech and language needs.

How will my child settle into the new setting?
When joining Dalesplay we offer all children free stay and play sessions to help them start to familiarise themselves and build relationships with key members of staff and get to know their environment. These sessions can be in the company of their parents or on their own. Each child is assigned a key person and their role will be explained. The Key person will form a relationship of trust and support with the parent and the child during these sessions and will ask for care plans and “all about me” booklets to be completed with questions which will help the practitioners identify the children’s needs, interests and to discuss if any agencies are involved in the child’s development.
If required staff will attend training related to a child’s needs before they attend the setting. Meeting with the Health care professionals will help the child’s transition into the setting. Ensuring any relevant documentation is shared in the setting if necessary, e.g. All About Me booklets, previous ILPPs, paediatric reports, to ensure appropriate planning is in place. Parents and key person should agree a consistent approach to ensure continuity of care from home to setting.
Reports from health care professionals such as health visitors, speech and language therapists identify children’s individual needs. The setting welcomes parents and professionals sharing these reports with them in order to plan appropriately to meet individual needs.

What training have the staff had?
All staff has at least a level 3 qualification in childcare and undergo regular training to keep up to date and refresh their knowledge. They all have experience of working with children within the Early Years age range. The child / family can access a number of services available in the locality linked to the child’s identified needs these would be primary through the health care service and include:
Child development centre, Physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist, portage worker, Early Years Advisory Teacher (EYAT). The setting has good links with the local children centre and staff sign post parents to support available.
Within the setting there is a trained SENco who has completed the @New to SENCO role’ training and attends termly network meetings to keep up to date. There is also the local authority Area SENco who is available to support the setting SENco. With parent’s permission advice can be sought from the Early Years Advisory Teacher. If the child’s needs are identified as a specific need then the team with the expertise in this area will take up the support for the child and the setting in meeting the child’s needs, for example the physical sensory medical team.
2 members of staff have undergone Catheter training and are able to catheterise if needed. 

How will Parents/ Carers be involved in discussions about and planning for their child’s education?
Dalesplay encourages parents/ carers to be involved from the onset. Key workers will discuss with parents the child’s likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, needs and much more to ensure we offer the best care and learning environment for your child. Parent’s are encouraged to share information with staff from the on- set and an ongoing basis about the individual needs of the child and any agencies involved. Parents/ carers know the child better than anyone and this is why we encourage a strong working partnership. The child’s ‘Learning Journey booklet’ will be shared with the family regularly and parents/ carers are welcome to add to these booklets at any time. Individual Learning and Provision plans are discussed with parents and other professionals involved and a copy will be given to all those working with the family.

How accessible is the setting environment?
Signs, Posters and pictures with notes are used around the setting and Makaton can be used. We use visual timetables and have Picture cards we use when talking to children to help them understand. We have disabled access into the setting and a disabled toilet and washing facilities. Our nappy changing unit can be accessed by older children by climbing up some built in steps to allow us to change older children. Dalesplay provides multi- sensory experiences as part of our care provision. We provide sensory play equipment and use visual aids. All our policies and procedures are reviewed regularly and are up to date. If we require additional resources we can access funding to help us provide what your child needs.

What support will there be for my child’s physical and emotional wellbeing?
Dalesplay operates an inclusive policy and are positive and welcoming to everyone who comes. On admission to Dalesplay Parent/ carers are provided with a Prospectus which includes daily activities, admissions forms, a range of policies inc. Admissions Policy, Safeguarding Policy, Special Needs Policy, Behaviour Management Policy, and a list of all other policies which can be obtained on request. You will also be given an ‘All about Me’ booklet to complete which helps us to get to know the child and meet their individual needs. We provide a flexible approach to routine as we want to follow the child’s routine as much as possible.
Adults act as good role models for positive behaviour and a continual positive approach to behaviour management is maintained. The key person builds relationships with the child and family and they provide personal care respectfully to all children. The staff are trained to administer medicine. During the daily routine visual time tables are used to support children in understanding routine. Older children are supported to manage their own personal care and manage risks for themselves. Resources are accessible to the children for independent choice. There are sensitive, warm interactions between adults and children. The Area SENco will support the SENco and key person.

Who do I contact for further information? 
The first point of contact within the setting is your child’s key person. The parents can identify the SENco from the photograph on the parents notice board situated in the hall. The settings SENco, Deputy Manager or director will also be able to offer advice and will be able to signpost parents to other professionals that may be able to help such as the health visitor, children centre staff, the inclusion officer and Speech and Language Therapist (SALT). The setting has a named practitioner for behaviour management and can also access support for parents from the Area SENco and the Early Years Consultant with parental permission.

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